Experimental design and comparative results delivery for predictive modelling and data analytics using popular machine learning and computational intelligence techniques.
Professional instruction to improve the quality of your manuscript with detailed comments and suggestions, including technical contribution highlights, writing style, presentation and reference selection.
Our rates range between A$80-100 per dataset for experiment reports, and A$150 per hour for editorial-like comments and suggestions, and the same rates are applied for comprehensive technical writing of the whole manuscript.
Job submission is through email. Send your manuscripts or datasets with a clear description of your requirements for the experiment results, statistics and graphical figures.
Australian native professionals with English literature degrees from Australian Universities and more than 20 years of work experience in proofreading PhD theses, articles and academic publications.
The duration of proofreading varies and depends on the quality and length of the manuscript, and usually takes around 6 days.
Our rates are A$58 per hour.
Submit your manuscript by email and prepay A$300 as a deposite. The balance of the work is due upon completion.
Usually, we offer a combined proofreading service with professional instruction on your manuscript, and plus an assessment on the technical level of the work and some advice on submission to suitable journals.
Professional guide to selet a College or a University for students who are going to take a course or degree study in Australia.
Career consulting services provide an insightful analysis on a chosen discipline, research direction and optional academic supervisions, that may greatly impact on your future occupation and career success and achievements.
Our rates are A$200 per case.
Inquiries with clear requirements can be submitted through email and we will follow up to discuss the case in details once confirming your request.